Got a small release that should help with Blender users and anyone encountering move issues.
🌞 What's New
  • Improve initial workspace mapping speed
  • Soft delete version has a new icon
  • Ignore .blend1 files when saving a blender file
  • Improve maintaining login
🪰 Bug Fixes
  • Remove working file when pulling deleted files
  • Properly update thumbnails during sync pull
  • Fix Upload progress status
  • Fix soft-deleted fetch from api
  • Clicking the app executable when already running should properly focus the app
  • Fix setting local file status on download
  • Fix checking if workspace is mapped
  • Fix file move from
🧪 Known Issues
  • Moving a file in a local directory that is watched from explorer or finder won't update the view in mudstack until you navigate somewhere else. We should have a quick fix for this shortly.