On-Premises Hosting
under review
I realize this might be a pipe dream as it may go against the mudstack company direction - Being able to host a backend for mudstack locally would be amazing. This would allow uploads / downloads to be on-network and thus not limited by internet speeds, and of course allow us to add storage as needed. We would be very happy to pay for the mudstack client and associated tech while also having the ability to self-host the storage backend (see: P4 model).
Paul Mumford
I was just looking through the roadmap/documentation for this kind of functionality as one of the main criteria for purchasing.
There's a lot of version control around, but not much that successfully does a hybrid setup for VFX/Animation/Design pipelines where the bulk of a project is hosted locally becuase it's very large in size, and smaller packages are in the cloud for artists working on specific shots/sequences/functions.
Following this thread with interest!
Jason Powell
Yes, the company I work for doesn't even allow us to use any type of transportable devices to store files let alone get them near the internet. It would be great to have a locally deployable repository that's under our full control to be able to host files and not rely on software outside of our system.
Please support this! There is currently not an equivalent way to review, store, and organize in a visual way that MudStack does. A lot fo what I do at work is not allowed to touch the internet and this would be a HUGE win for my team.
Jordan Stevens
Andrewtg: Andrew, thanks for the feedback here! This is something we are looking at really closely, especially in light of our upcoming desktop launch. One of the core workflows for the desktop app is the ability to add any directory to mudstack to manage. In theory, this would allow for a "bring your own storage" model. The key here is how can we enable a similar approach for the collaboration side of our application?
We've got lots of ideas, and will continue to work on this topic. The desktop app certainly gets us really close to the core requirements that define a need for on-premises hosting. After we launch in April, we will be looking for design partners around topics like this. Would your team be willing to work with us to help us design this right?
Jordan Stevens: I would love to help out! I will talk it over with my team this week and make sure everyone is on board. I am also in the Discord if you need to reach me more immediately.
Josef Bell
Andrewtg: whenever your team is ready, throw an email or DM Jordan or I on discord so we can talk more!
Josef Bell
under review
Josef Bell
This has come up from a few other teams we have talked to. We will be discussing this internally more as we collect more data on the needs here.